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XFCE: Remove Mail Reader entry in menu

How to remove Mail Reader entry in XFCE menu. As a matter of good practice, backup the original configuration. Create a backup folder in your home directory like ~/backup . Copy  /usr/share/applications/exo-mail-reader.desktop to ~/backup . We will be making global (machine level) change so all users will not see Mail Reader entry. Edit exo-mail-reader.desktop using your favorite editor, comment out the line like #OnlyShowIn=XFCE; then add the following line  NotShowIn=XFCE; .

Enable directory browsing for IIS 8 Server Express

Visual Studio Express 2012 for Web Update 3 comes with IIS 8 Server Express. By default, the server is configured not to list directory contents for security reasons. But since I am using it for development purposes, security is not my main concern but speed of development. When trying to browse a directory, you may get this error message: HTTP Error 403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory. To enable browsing do: Open console (cmd.exe) Change directory to C:\Program Files\IIS Express Type appcmd set config /section:system.webServer/directo ryBrowse /enabled:true to enable browsing.